My animator brother who is great with the computer graphics and Maya and even does wonders with his sketches, somehow goes a little err when it comes to making stories. Even as a child he would ask me to "write poems or short stories" for him so that he can get them published in the school magazine on his name! We have grown, but little seemed to have changed when suddenly I get an sms from him saying, "Didi, please write a story on a "thread" and mail it to me asap!" I can understand your reactions on reading it as mine was the same. I re-read it and asked him again, "a story on what?" and he replies back, " a thread, thread...SHUTOWW (in Bengali)!!!" As usual, I had fewer options than to actually start writing something. No matter how weird my expressions were, or how clueless I felt, as always, I surrendered them all to my sisterhood! Surprisingly, it took me ten minutes in total to think, frame and write down a story! The shortest time ever. So, thought of sharing my first...say, a fairy tale or...whatever you want to call it:
Once there was a thread who used to be very sad. He was black and nobody liked him.
Everyone was fond of colorful threads which they used to sew their clothes with, tie on their wrists as rakhi, or for even tying on temples/dargaah etc. for mannats (prayers)! But as for our thread...nobody wanted him!!! Nobody wanted a black thread!
One day he went to one of those temples to speak to God about his misfortune. He flew and settled at one corner of the temple. Nobody notices him.
he starts crying...nobody sees his tears. He cries and cries and asks God: Why you had to make me black? Why couldn't you put some colors in my fate
I am so very cursed. Nobody wants me. My existence doesn't mean anything to anyone. Why at all did these humans create me if they dont want me?
Please are the only one who can answer my questions. Please tell me why cannot I be of any use to anyone??Please answer!!!!!!"
God did react to his misery and pain. He softly said:
"My dear black thread!
Don't think you are useless. Dont be sad...and don't think you are not wanted.
Today I'm going to give you such a power, that every human would want you to be with them all the time. Every human would become scared and restless without your existence. I have known these human for long.
They will create your importance by themselves!
From now will be the most pious most pure thing they would ever want in their lives!!"
And from that very day, every black thread is considered to be a remedy for shooing away bad spirits...or bad omens! Humans have identified its importance as being a shield to badness!!!!!
That's all folks!!